Subway Personal Pizza Menu Prices & Calories Updated 2023

Attention, pizza lovers! If you’re on the hunt for a mouthwatering personal pizza that will leave you wanting more, Subway has got you covered. Yes, you read that right – Subway, the beloved sandwich chain, now offers an incredible Personal Pizza menu that will satisfy your pizza cravings in the most delicious way possible.

Subway menu has always been known for its fresh ingredients and made-to-order sandwiches, but they’ve taken it a step further by introducing their own take on the classic personal pizza. Whether you’re looking for a quick lunch, a tasty snack, or a convenient dinner option, Subway’s Personal Pizza is here to delight your taste buds.

So, what makes Subway Personal Pizza so special? Let’s dive into the reasons why this delectable creation is a must-try for all pizza enthusiasts:

  1. Freshness is Key: Just like with their sandwiches, Subway emphasizes the use of fresh ingredients in their Personal Pizzas. From the crispy crust to the savory toppings, you can expect quality ingredients that are carefully selected to ensure maximum flavor and satisfaction.
  2. Customization Galore: Subway believes in the power of choice, and their Personal Pizza is no exception. You have the freedom to build your pizza masterpiece from scratch. Start with a choice of crust – classic white or multigrain – and then move on to an array of mouthwatering toppings such as pepperoni, sausage, onions, bell peppers, mushrooms, olives, and more. Finish it off with your choice of cheese, and you’ve got a personalized pizza creation that is uniquely yours.
  3. Quick and Convenient: One of the best things about Subway’s Personal Pizza is its convenience. Whether you’re grabbing a quick bite on your lunch break or need a speedy dinner option, Subway has got you covered. They prepare your pizza fresh, bake it to perfection, and have it ready for you in no time. It’s the perfect solution for those days when you’re craving pizza but don’t have the luxury of time.
  4. Great Value: Subway has always been known for its affordability, and the Personal Pizza is no different. With a competitive price tag, you can enjoy a delicious, satisfying pizza without breaking the bank. It’s a win-win situation for your taste buds and your wallet!
  5. A Versatile Option: Subway’s Personal Pizza isn’t just a standalone meal. It’s a versatile option that can be paired with other Subway offerings. You can enjoy it as part of a combo meal with a refreshing beverage and a side of your choice, or even add it to your usual Subway sandwich order for a truly indulgent experience.


Subway Personal pizza menu includes personal cheese pizza, cheese flatizza, pepperoni flatizza, spicy italian flatizza, and veggie flatizza. Lets see them in detail one by one.


Our pizza dough is covered with mouthwatering marinara sauce then topped with shredded mozzarella cheese. Make it yours by adding your favorite veggies. We make it amazing by baking it to personal perfection.

When we think of Subway, our minds often conjure images of their famous sandwiches and freshly baked bread. However, Subway has recently introduced a delightful addition to their menu that has been causing quite a stir: the Personal Cheese Pizza. In this blog post, we will explore the mouthwatering flavors and unique characteristics of Subway’s latest creation, offering a closer look at what makes their personal cheese pizza a delectable treat.

  1. The Art of Simplicity: Subway’s Personal Cheese Pizza embraces the concept of simplicity, allowing the flavors to shine through without overwhelming the palate. With a focus on quality ingredients and classic techniques, this pizza offers a refreshing alternative to the more elaborate and complex pizzas found elsewhere.
  2. Fresh Ingredients: One of Subway’s key strengths lies in its commitment to using fresh ingredients, and their personal cheese pizza is no exception. From the moment the dough is prepared to the final sprinkling of cheese, every step is infused with quality. The crust is hand-stretched and baked to perfection, resulting in a crispy yet chewy base. The rich tomato sauce is made from ripe tomatoes and carefully selected herbs and spices, delivering a burst of tangy goodness with every bite. Topping it all off is a generous layer of melty, gooey cheese that adds a creamy texture to the pizza.
  3. Customization at its Finest: At Subway, customization is at the heart of their philosophy, and their personal cheese pizza is no different. Customers can choose from a variety of toppings to personalize their pizza according to their taste preferences. Whether you prefer classic options like pepperoni, mushrooms, or green peppers, or you want to explore more adventurous choices like jalapenos or black olives, Subway ensures that your pizza is tailor-made to suit your cravings.
  4. A Wholesome Option: For those seeking a lighter meal or have specific dietary needs, Subway’s personal cheese pizza provides a viable option. With its relatively smaller size compared to traditional pizzas, it allows for portion control while still satisfying your pizza cravings. Additionally, Subway offers a range of fresh vegetables that can be added to the pizza, providing a nutritious boost to your meal.
  5. Convenience on the Go: Subway is known for its quick service and the ability to customize your meal exactly how you want it. Their personal cheese pizza follows suit, allowing customers to enjoy a freshly made pizza in a matter of minutes. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking for a tasty and convenient meal on the go or a quick lunch break.
Subway Personal Pizza Menu Cheese pizza


Personal Cheese PizzaUSD 5.89


Spinach0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL
Tomatoes5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL
Green Peppers0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL
Red Onion0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Black Olives0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Jalapenos0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL




Bacon80 CAL+USD 1.19
Pepperoni80 CAL+USD 0.99

A personal cheese pizza typically consists of a small-sized pizza with a cheese topping. The following are approximate nutritional values for a standard personal cheese pizza:

  • Calories: Around 200-400 calories per slice, depending on the size and thickness of the crust.
  • Fat: Approximately 10-20 grams of fat per slice, depending on the cheese used and the thickness of the crust.
  • Carbohydrates: Roughly 20-40 grams of carbohydrates per slice, primarily from the crust.
  • Protein: Typically around 8-12 grams of protein per slice, mainly from the cheese and crust.


It’s an exciting combination of warm marinara sauce and bubbly mozzarella cheese on a toasty flatbread.

If you’re a fan of Subway, the renowned sandwich chain, then you’re likely no stranger to their diverse range of mouthwatering menu options. Among their delicious offerings, one standout item that deserves a closer look is the Cheese Flatizza. Combining the best of pizza and flatbread, this delectable creation is sure to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving for more. So, let’s dive into the world of Subway’s Cheese Flatizza and discover what makes it such a delightful treat.

  1. A Fusion of Flavors

The Cheese Flatizza from Subway brings together the beloved elements of both pizza and flatbread. Picture a thin, crispy crust topped with a generous layer of melted cheese, and you’re already off to a great start. Subway takes this foundation and lets you customize your creation with an assortment of fresh and flavorful ingredients. From vegetables to meats and a variety of sauces, the Cheese Flatizza offers an exciting canvas to build your perfect combination of flavors.

  1. The Perfectly Baked Crust

The secret to any good pizza or flatbread lies in its crust, and Subway’s Cheese Flatizza is no exception. Subway’s culinary experts have perfected the art of baking a crust that strikes the ideal balance between crispiness and chewiness. The thin crust ensures a light and enjoyable experience, allowing the toppings to shine without overpowering your taste buds. Whether you prefer a more traditional Italian-style crust or a modern twist, the Cheese Flatizza’s crust is sure to impress.

  1. Customization Options Galore

One of the most enticing aspects of the Subway experience is the ability to customize your meal according to your preferences, and the Cheese Flatizza is no different. With a wide range of ingredients at your disposal, you can create a Cheese Flatizza that caters to your specific tastes. From fresh vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and bell peppers to savory meats like pepperoni, ham, or chicken, the possibilities are virtually endless. Top it all off with Subway’s selection of delectable sauces, and you have a personalized masterpiece ready to devour.

  1. A Versatile Meal

The Cheese Flatizza is not just a standalone item; it can also be enjoyed in combination with other Subway offerings. It can be a fantastic addition to a classic Subway sandwich, adding an extra layer of flavor and texture to your meal. You can also pair it with a refreshing salad or a side of your choice to create a well-rounded and satisfying dining experience.

  1. Quality and Freshness

When it comes to Subway, quality and freshness are always at the forefront. Subway’s Cheese Flatizza is crafted using only the finest ingredients, ensuring that every bite is a burst of flavor. The vegetables are crisp, the cheese is melted to perfection, and the meats are savory and tender. By prioritizing quality, Subway guarantees a consistently delightful dining experience for all its customers.

See Also: Subway Breakfast Menu


Cheese Flatizza230 CALUSD 3.59


Toasted Artisan Flatbread220 CAL


Tomatoes5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL
Green Peppers0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL
Red Onion0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Black Olives0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Jalapenos0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Marinara Sauce5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL


Black Pepper0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Bacon80 CAL+USD 1.19
Pepperoni80 CAL+USD 0.99

The nutrition information for a 6-inch Cheese Flatizza without any additional toppings or condiments is as follows:

Calories: Approximately 400-450 calories

Fat: Around 16-20 grams

Saturated Fat: Approximately 8-10 grams

Cholesterol: Around 35-45 milligrams

Carbohydrates: Approximately 45-50 grams

Fiber: Roughly 2-4 grams

Protein: Around 16-20 grams

Sodium: Approximately 600-800 milligrams


Crispy flatbread crust. Mouthwatering marinara sauce. Bubbly shredded mozzarella cheese. Spicy pepperoni. Make it your own by adding your favorite veggies.

When it comes to delicious fast-food options, Subway has long been a go-to choice for many. Known for their customizable sandwiches, fresh ingredients, and commitment to healthier eating, Subway has always found innovative ways to satisfy their customers’ cravings. Among their menu offerings, the Pepperoni Flatizza stands out as a delightful creation that captures the essence of a classic pizza in a unique Subway twist. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of the Pepperoni Flatizza, exploring its flavors, ingredients, and why it has become a favorite among Subway enthusiasts.

  1. A Flatbread Pizza Fusion: The Pepperoni Flatizza is Subway’s take on a classic flatbread pizza. This delectable creation combines the best of both worlds, bringing together Subway’s signature freshly baked flatbread with mouthwatering pepperoni and a tantalizing blend of cheese. It’s a versatile option that caters to pizza lovers seeking a quick and satisfying meal.
  2. Freshness at Its Core: Subway’s commitment to using fresh, quality ingredients is reflected in the Pepperoni Flatizza. The flatbread is baked in-store daily, ensuring a warm and inviting base for the toppings. The pepperoni slices are flavorful and savory, adding a zesty punch to each bite. Combined with a perfectly melted cheese blend, the result is a harmonious medley of flavors that delight the taste buds.
  3. Customization Galore: One of the unique aspects of Subway is the ability to customize your order, and the Pepperoni Flatizza is no exception. As you stand in line, you have the freedom to choose from an array of fresh vegetables and condiments to add an extra touch to your Flatizza. Whether you prefer a bit of spice with jalapeños or enjoy the crunch of lettuce and bell peppers, Subway’s Pepperoni Flatizza allows you to create a personalized culinary masterpiece.
  4. Healthier Indulgence: While indulging in a delicious meal, it’s always reassuring to know that you’re making mindful choices. Subway has long been associated with healthier fast-food alternatives, and the Pepperoni Flatizza maintains this ethos. With the option to add fresh vegetables and choose lighter condiments, you can tailor your Flatizza to fit your dietary preferences. Subway also provides nutritional information for all their menu items, empowering you to make informed choices while enjoying a tasty treat.
  5. Convenience and Affordability: In addition to its irresistible flavors, the Pepperoni Flatizza offers convenience and affordability. Subway’s wide network of locations makes it easily accessible, and their efficient service ensures a quick and satisfying experience. The Flatizza is also an excellent option for those seeking value for their money, as it provides a filling meal at an affordable price point.
Subway Pepperoni Flatizza


Pepperoni Flatizza290 CALUSD 3.59


Toasted Artisan Flatbread220 CAL


Pepperoni50 CAL


Tomatoes5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL
Green Peppers0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL
Red Onion0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Black Olives0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Jalapenos0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Marinara Sauce5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL


Black Pepper0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Bacon80 CAL+USD 1.19
Pepperoni80 CAL+USD 0.99

Please note that the nutrition facts can vary based on the size, ingredients, and specific preparation methods used by individual Subway locations. It’s always best to consult the official Subway website or contact a local Subway restaurant for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

As a reference point, the following information is based on a typical Subway 6-inch Pepperoni Flatizza:

Calories: Approximately 420-440 calories

Fat: Approximately 18-20 grams

Carbohydrates: Approximately 46-48 grams

Protein: Approximately 18-20 grams

Sodium: Approximately 850-900 milligrams


Our signature crispy flatbread crust. Mouthwatering marinara sauce. Bubbly mozzarella. Topped with savory salami and spicy pepperoni.

Subway, known for its delicious sandwiches and fresh ingredients, has introduced a mouthwatering creation called the Spicy Italian Flatizza. This new addition to their menu combines the flavors of a classic Italian dish with a unique twist, resulting in a delightful culinary experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore what makes the Spicy Italian Flatizza so special and why it’s worth giving a try.

Savoring the Flavors: The Spicy Italian Flatizza starts with a crispy, thin flatbread that serves as the perfect base for a medley of flavors. It is then generously topped with spicy pepperoni, flavorful salami, and a blend of melted cheese. To enhance the taste further, Subway adds a zesty tomato sauce infused with herbs and spices. All these ingredients come together to create a harmonious balance of heat, richness, and tanginess.

Unleashing the Heat: What sets the Spicy Italian Flatizza apart from other Subway creations is its fiery kick. The pepperoni and salami deliver a satisfying spiciness that tantalizes the taste buds, making it a treat for those who crave a little heat in their meals. The combination of flavors and spices brings a delightful punch to the flatbread, without overpowering the other ingredients.

Versatility and Customization: One of the great things about Subway’s Spicy Italian Flatizza is its versatility. You have the freedom to customize it according to your preferences. If you prefer a milder taste, you can request a reduction in the amount of spice. Additionally, you can add extra toppings such as bell peppers, onions, or jalapeños to enhance the flavor profile even more. Subway ensures that your sandwich is made just the way you like it.

A Wholesome Option: While the Spicy Italian Flatizza is a treat for the taste buds, Subway is also committed to providing healthier options. You can choose from different types of bread, including whole wheat or multigrain, to make your flatbread even more nutritious. Subway also offers a wide range of fresh vegetables that you can add to your flatbread, making it a well-rounded meal choice.

See Also: Subway Salads Menu


Spicy Italian Flatizza340 CALUSD 3.59


Toasted Artisan Flatbread220 CAL


Pepperoni50 CAL
Genoa Salami45 CAL


Tomatoes5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL
Green Peppers0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL
Red Onion0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Black Olives0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Jalapenos0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Marinara Sauce5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL


Black Pepper0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Bacon80 CAL+USD 1.19
Pepperoni80 CAL+USD 0.99


This Flatizza is a crispy, light flatbread, topped with veggies. All those tomatoes, green peppers, olives and onions complement the mouthwatering marinara sauce and melted mozzarella cheese. Irresistible to the last bite.

Are you craving a scrumptious and satisfying meal that is both tasty and vegetarian-friendly? Look no further than Subway’s Veggie Flatizza! Bursting with fresh vegetables and savory flavors, this mouthwatering creation is the perfect choice for those seeking a delicious vegetarian option. Join us as we delve into the delightful world of the Veggie Flatizza and uncover why it’s becoming a popular choice for health-conscious and veggie-loving individuals.

A Wholesome Combination: Subway’s Veggie Flatizza combines the best of both worlds: the delightful crunch of a thin-crust pizza and the abundance of fresh vegetables. It starts with a delicious flatbread base, baked to perfection, creating a crispy yet tender foundation. Topped generously with an array of vibrant veggies, including bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, black olives, and spinach, each bite is a burst of flavors and textures that will tantalize your taste buds.

Customization to Suit Your Preferences: One of the many reasons why Subway’s Veggie Flatizza stands out is its customizability. At Subway, you have the freedom to personalize your Flatizza by adding or removing toppings to suit your preferences. Whether you’re a fan of zesty jalapeños, sweet corn, or creamy avocado, you can create a unique combination that caters to your taste.

Health-Conscious and Nutritious: Besides being delicious, the Veggie Flatizza is also a nutritious choice. Packed with an assortment of fresh vegetables, it provides a wealth of essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. The inclusion of whole grains in the flatbread adds to its nutritional profile, making it a fulfilling and balanced option for a well-rounded meal.

Accompanied by Subway’s Signature Sauces: To enhance the overall flavor experience, Subway offers a variety of delectable sauces to complement the Veggie Flatizza. From tangy marinara and rich garlic aioli to zesty Southwest and creamy ranch, these sauces elevate the taste of the vegetables and create a harmonious blend of flavors.

Perfect for On-the-Go: Subway’s Veggie Flatizza is an ideal choice for those leading a busy lifestyle or needing a quick meal on the go. Its compact size and convenient shape make it easy to hold and devour, making it a great option for a quick lunch or a satisfying snack whenever hunger strikes.

Subway Veggie Flatizza


Veggie Flatizza260 CALUSD 3.59


Toasted Artisan Flatbread220 CAL


Tomatoes5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL
Green Peppers0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL
Red Onion0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Black Olives0 CAL5 CAL10 CAL
Jalapenos0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Marinara Sauce5 CAL10 CAL20 CAL


Black Pepper0 CAL0 CAL0 CAL


Bacon80 CAL+USD 1.19
Pepperoni80 CAL+USD 0.99

Here’s the approximate nutritional information for a 6-inch Veggie Flatizza:

Calories: 400 Total

Fat: 15g

Saturated Fat: 7g

Trans Fat: 0g

Cholesterol: 30mg

Sodium: 870mg

Total Carbohydrates: 47g

Dietary Fiber: 5g

Sugar: 5g

Protein: 20g

All the prices and calories are taken from the official sources of Subway United States.

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